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What is the average cost of a plumber?

Plumber Cost

Clogged sink, leaky pipe or fitting out a bathtub… You need a plumber, and fast! We gives you all the elements to find the right plumber and fully understand his rates and hourly rate.

  • The elements that vary the price of a plumber
  • The price of a plumber depends on several parameters: the nature of the service, of course, but also its urgency.
  • The prices are different when it comes to repairs, such as a leaking pipe, or for the renovation of the plumbing of a house. It’s different again for a simple boiler maintenance visit.

The urgency of the breakdown:

A rule that you know well: breakdown or water damage rarely occurs at the right time! And when that happens, you have to quickly find a specialist to avoid greater damage. The availability of the plumber has a price and this can influence his price, especially when he intervenes outside the usual opening hours: evenings, weekends or public holidays.

On the other hand, if you have already called on a craftsman, for maintenance for example, do not hesitate to contact him first: he knows the location of the plumbing in your home and will be able to find a solution more quickly

The type of intervention:

The other element to take into account for the price of a plumber is the type of breakdown. Some repairs require major work: a pipe drilled under a concrete screed requires more complex implementation than when the pipe is easily accessible. The replacement of toilets or a shower can also increase the amount of the estimate.

Finally, the use of specific equipment (more powerful jackhammer, for example) is sometimes necessary, resulting in an additional cost.

Supplies at different prices:

If you need to change the faucets in your kitchen, the plumber offers you an intervention with a new faucet. Even if these artisans have access to preferential rates for these items, the prices vary according to the quality of the product. This is an element to take into account when studying the estimate. A plumbing professional should help you choose between different models and direct you to the solution that meets your expectations, but also your budget. Tips to Unclog Pipe and Kitchen

The price of a plumber according to the hourly rate
The hourly rate for a plumber varies according to several criteria, but the average rate is between 40 and 70 $ HT per hour (1).

The hourly rate depending on the geographical location:

Higher prices can be observed around major cities such as Paris or Lyon: on average 30 to 50% increase. These rates take into account the more expensive charges in the Paris region, such as company rent or employee salaries. Travel costs are detailed separately in the quote and can be more or less expensive.

The hourly rate according to the urgency of the work:

Keep in mind that a repair outside opening hours, in the evening, on weekends or on public holidays costs more than a scheduled intervention as part of the works.

The price of the estimate according to the status of the plumber’s company
Some professionals have chosen the status of auto entrepreneur, which allows them to pay fewer charges than a traditional business. The cost is often more attractive. You have to find the right balance between price and skills. You can also request a quote from a reputable plumbing company near you with higher prices. And compare!

A package service:

Some plumbers offer a flat rate service: you know in advance how much you will pay regardless of the hourly rate.

The price of a plumber according to his services
The plumber has several strings to his bow. He is not only the specialist in unclogging sinks and drilled pipes!

A plumbing professional also intervenes to:

  • Heating;
  • The air conditioning ;
  • The VMC.
  • Repair plumbing work
  • It is perhaps with this kind of service that you will meet your plumber and keep him for a more important intervention later, in your house. Read More Blogs Here

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