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Iphones are favorites of every tech greek. Why? Because everytime Apple launches a new iPhone, it comes with the best class processor and new features like iphone water eject . They are also water resistant with the IP68 rating. But in this article, we are going to share the reasons why you should not take your iPhone in the shower room.

Reasons to Avoid Using Your iPhone in the Shower

There are many reasons not to use your iPhone in the shower. For one thing, it could become wet and water could damage your phone. The liquids and the electric current in the water can also burn or overload sensitive circuits. It is always best to leave your iPhone dry after bathing. Secondly, you might want to use an alternate phone for calls and texts while in the shower. Here are a few alternatives for your iPhone.

In the shower, it’s important to remember that an iPhone is not completely waterproof. While all iPhones are water resistant, it’s still a bad idea to use it while you’re in the shower. You can’t use it while you’re in the shower because the phone could get wet and overheat. If you have to use it in the shower, make sure that you’re not using it while you’re in the shower.

You don’t want your phone to get wet in the shower. It can get wet and cause harm. If you’re not using a waterproof case, you should avoid using your phone in the shower altogether. It’s best to use a waterproof case. If you’re using an iPhone in the shower, it should be safe and secure. If it’s not, don’t use it while you’re in the shower.

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Is it possible for iPhone to survive in the Shower

It might sound crazy to use your iPhone while you’re in the shower, but it’s totally possible. Most iPhones are water resistant, which means that you won’t be able to accidentally drop it into the sink. You can also protect your iPhone from dirt and other objects by keeping it on the sink while you’re in the shower.

However, if you’re trying to talk to someone or answer a text message, you may want to keep it on the sink. However, it is not a good idea to take your iPhone into the shower without protection. While ambient moisture might not harm your phone, direct exposure to the stream from a shower head could damage your phone. If you can’t wait until you’re out of the shower before answering a text, you should leave your iPhone in the sink. And you can also use a Ziploc bag to protect your phone from water and steam.


Now we hope that you understand how valuable your iPhone is to you so you don’t take it in the shower or any other place which can easily harm the hardware of the mobile. It can definitely harm you or itself. Share this blog with your friends who are phone addict and take their phones everywhere they go!

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