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Digital Markting

Digital Success for Local Companies Digital Customer Acquisition

Not only in the context of the corona pandemic, but in recent years, has digital trade experienced a strong upswing. For stores that have been closed for many months, the Internet offers a good basis for digital sales space so that you don’t go away empty-handed. In this article, you will find out how you too can benefit from digital marketing and how you can reach your target group with ThetechLabs Agency in the best possible way, even without being present on site.

Our tips for your digital customer acquisition

As already mentioned, more customers are acquired digitally every year. Sales are increasing rapidly, prompting some business owners to try their luck on the Internet. In the following we have 8 specific tips for you, with which you can noticeably improve your digital accessibility and which can be used in any business situation:

  1. Social media will take you further!

Social media is probably the most important influencing factor nowadays. It is not without reason that billions of people around the world are active on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. Media of this kind also offer the right basis for your company to acquire new customers and partners. So you can draw attention to yourself independently at any time.

The advertising itself remains basically free on social media. Only paid ads, which are displayed to users without an active search, incur additional costs. So you always have it in your hands to actively market yourself and point out your current projects and offers. Very conveniently via your smartphone or tablet.

  1. Benefit from a good website!

In addition to the appropriate social media accounts, you should also be able to be found using search engines such as Google. It depends on the visual design of your page as well as on the relevance of the content. It is best to create the appropriate starting points so that you can be recognized by your target group and at the same time be able to win new customers.

Despite your commercial intent, an overly sales-heavy style is not recommended. Factual descriptions, concrete added values ​​and interactive added values ​​are the much better choice at this point. The longer you can retain users on your channels, the higher the chance of a successful purchase through your website.

  1. Work with Google My Business!

Your presence is important not only within the direct search on Google, but also in the company search of Google My Business. For example, you will be displayed on Google Maps when someone searches for a company or service provider in their area. Shops are also displayed there and linked to their website.

A well-maintained and clear company profile makes it much easier at this point to convey a good feeling even before the first visit to your website. The ratings are also visible on Google My Business right from the start. For this reason, create your profile with the necessary care and introduce yourself in detail.

  1. Generate good reviews!

Good reviews on Google are one of the most important keys to success. Every rating is important, especially in the start-up phase, since individual feedback with just a few stars can pull down the overall ranking. For this reason, pay attention to the satisfaction of your customers and remember that you depend on reviews.

Despite numerous offers and service providers in the field of online reviews, we would like to warn you against buying reviews. This is not only forbidden, but contradicts fair and balanced competition. Good ratings can be easily earned with good performance in order to successfully win new customers.

  1. Target your local target group!

A presence in general places is difficult, especially in highly competitive areas. As in the retail store, there is competition, but it is concentrated in one place on the Internet. So try optimizing your content for specific cities, states, or other regions. This is how you skilfully avoid the competition.

In connection with your shop, this can also be useful for existing customers. You usually do not know them as a Germany-wide company, but as a regional partner. Not every customer is looking for the largest company, which can definitely work to your advantage. Therefore, present yourself locally and with the necessary openness when dealing with customers.

  1. Provide regular news and content!

Your users want to educate themselves on your site and learn more about current offers and events. In addition, current news and interesting articles ensure that users come back to your website regularly. In this way, you will be remembered positively and do not have to worry about your customers being enticed away by competitors.

You can also become active with your website in content marketing. For example, publish a new post once a month in which you report on your everyday work. This increases your presence on the web and is displayed to potential customers. Newsletters for existing customers and other formats are also possible.

  1. Stay available, open and communicative!

When customers visit your website, openness, structure and clarity are probably the most important elements. Therefore, always give your users the opportunity to contact you in store if they have any questions. In this way, you remove the hurdles of digital advice for potential customers and ensure that support is possible despite the physical distance.

Personality and closeness do not have to fall by the wayside in digital sales environments. With appealing wording, meaningful images and many other elements, you can turn the dreary and monotonous website into an innovative online shop. We would be happy to support you as a partner in every step of your digital goals!

  1. Always keep an eye on your industry!

You’re not the only one constantly working on breaking new ground and opening up innovative areas. The competition is also active on the Internet, which is why you should not lose track. Each company relies on different strategies that you can analyze. With the right tools, marketing in the digital space remains transparent at all times.

Corresponding tools and solutions can also be used without any technical know-how and controlled without much effort. We would be happy to support you in selecting the right solutions for your marketing strategies and relieve you of the work involved in developing them. So you will certainly not miss a movement in your industry.

Digitization as a beacon of hope in retail

Trade thrives on presence and activity, which has been severely restricted, especially in the context of the corona pandemic. Only the coming years will tell whether the market can recover from such a serious shutdown. It is clear, however, that you too do not have to leave the field to global players such as Amazon. With your own web presence and the necessary commitment, you can also claim your piece of the cake digitally.

For this reason, we recommend that you do not wait any longer for developments. At least as a supplement to the local shop, independent marketing on the Internet is a very good choice. If you quickly collect the first successes, there is certainly nothing standing in the way of expanding your digital strategies. As a partner in the areas of web design, marketing and development, we are happy to support you in generating new customers digitally.

Now with TheTechLabs for a professional digital concept

In recent years, we have already been able to help numerous entrepreneurs on their way to digitality. We would be happy to support you in selecting the right steps and deciding in which direction you should go. Based on our tips, it will be much easier for you to survive in previously unknown terrain and to gain new experiences. We would be happy to assist you with this project with words and deeds.

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