Choose toys adapted to your age and abilities.

At one year, the baby is developing very quickly, especially intellectually. He learns to coordinate what he sees with the movements of his hands. Parents can therefore choose toys that are more suited to their abilities. In general, at one year old, a baby is standing but still often walks awkwardly. It is, therefore, advisable to buy toys that will help him adjust his walk while giving him balance; the toy toys guide site. The guide could be helpful for you to choose better; the baby walker is the most recommended because by walking while pushing it, the baby will develop his balance and at the same time also learn to coordinate his movements. He will be able to turn, pivot, and play other manual activities on the baby walker, such as lights and music, which will also help him develop fine motor skills.
Learn Vocabulary Words That Start With U For Kids
Choose toys taking into account safety standards.
For babies, toys are a source of pleasure and amusement, and on the other hand, parents should remain very vigilant in the face of toys deemed to be defective and come from countries that do not have actual safety rules, such as China. It is noted that the Directorate-General for Competition, Consumption and Fraud Control carries out checks on toys. It checks the mechanical and physical properties, flammability, and also migration of certain elements that may be contained in the toy. To find your way around the various toys in specialized shops and shopping centers and ensure that these toys will not pose any danger to the baby, it is imperative to check the packaging and that the CE mark (European Community ) is indicated.
Parents with very active kids are always looking for toys and activities to keep their kids busy and happy. Some readers regularly ask me what toy to buy for a particular child. It’s not always easy to answer … but I will try various articles like this to give you lists of original toys for children. Today I bring you a list of the best toys that allow active children to let off steam through play.
Many of these toys give pride of place to Jumping. Skipping is an excellent activity for active kids and extremely useful for kids with sensory issues. Jumping can help them expel energy …
Here is a guide to toys for active children. This listing includes a variety of toys with different price ranges. Some of these toys can even be used indoors.
The inventory of toys for active children from Jeux et Compagnie
Automobile: this small car moves forward by the only movement to the right, left, of the steering wheel, making small zig-zags. Children learn coordination and movement skills while playing with this car.
Pogo Jumper
This jumper stick is made from a soft, durable foam that squeaks when your child jumps. It does not require balancing skills; it is ideal from 3 years old.
Jumping animal
When my son was little, I remember a party where a jumping horse was the center for the boys. They bounced and bounced again, in turn… most of the duration of the party.
Monster Stilts:
I highly recommend these plastic “stilts” for all children. They can keep them busy for hours. The plastic is durable and very strong.
Electronic Balance Board
Research has shown that a balance board stimulates the brain’s cerebellum and can help children with concentration and reading problems.
Bell tent
I bought a ball tent for my son when he started walking, and four years later, he was still playing in this tent at least every other day. He loved to fill it!
cycling is a great way to exercise at any age. It can be a full-fledged family activity. In addition, this activity helps them develop their motor skills and balance.
Indoor Trampoline
A small indoor trampoline is a great alternative for active kids who can’t go outside in bad weather. This trampoline can be used from 4 years old.
If you also have an outdoor trampoline, I recommend these trampoline games!
Bouncy castle
If you have enough room at home, buy a bouncy castle for your active kids. It is easy to put on and take off. And very popular at birthday parties.