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The Video Analytics Metrics You Need to Track

Video Analytics

Video analytics have come a long way in the last few years. Today, they allow you to measure metrics related to how users are interacting with your app and how that impacts the success of your product overall. Tracking these metrics can provide important insights into how well your product is performing, where it’s succeeding, and where you need to make improvements. Here are just some of the things you should be tracking to gain more knowledge about your product’s performance and help keep improving it in the future

Device Type

It’s a given that you’ll want to track unique views and time spent on your videos. But are there any other numbers you should be tracking? It depends on what type of content you’re posting. For example, if your goal is for customers or prospects to contact you, then you’ll likely want to pay close attention to inbound links from other websites and view it as a positive sign when those links come from industry influencers.

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In addition, if you’re trying to reach new audiences—such as bilingual or low-income viewers—tracking these demographics may help give clues about what types of video content are resonating with certain groups. Similarly, if your goal is brand awareness rather than direct response, then tracking impressions per video may be more valuable than any individual metric listed above.

Time of Day/Day of Week

The time of day is important, especially when it comes to mobile app development. Understanding which hours users interact with your app allows you to develop new features and tailor future releases accordingly. For example, if a large portion of video plays occur during late-night hours, but very few channel subscriptions are recorded at that time, then it might be worth thinking about ways to promote them during primetime slots.

Day of the week also plays a role in mobile app use. If you see an increase in mobile activity on Saturday and Sunday, perhaps it’s time to offer weekend-specific discounts or deals. Knowing these metrics can help mobile app developers determine what types of campaigns would be most effective for their business goals. If there isn’t much user activity occurring outside of normal work hours. For instance, a brand may want to reconsider spending money on social media advertising campaigns.

Viewers Engaged in Main Streamed Action

Tracking how many viewers are looking at your video in real-time will give you a sense of engagement and is one of only a few metrics that tell you what viewers are actually doing. If you have too much advertising, or if your content doesn’t grab and hold viewers attention, views won’t do anything for you.

This is where Video Analytics comes in handy because they can tell you how many viewers are watching videos intently as opposed to quickly glancing over them. Knowing how many viewers watched your video to completion is one metric. This can be helpful when determining if a mobile app development campaign was successful.

Number of Actions Per Viewer

Actions are defined as any interaction a viewer takes with your video content, such as mouse movements, mouse clicks and time spent watching. The amount of actions taken per viewer is an indicator of engagement. If they’re sticking around to watch your content, there’s a good chance they’re enjoying it.

However, if you want to increase views, focus on making engaging videos that get people clicking. Although, if you want more conversions from views, aim for highly relevant calls to action in your videos. This encourages viewers to take action after viewing. Both are valuable metrics!

No. of Views on Video:

A lot of social media marketing platforms provide analytics that tells you the number of views on a piece of content. It’s great to know how many times something has been viewed. It can give you an idea of how well it resonates with viewers.

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There are many metrics for measuring your videos’ performance on social media and across various online platforms. Each channel has its own set of criteria for content. Hence, it’s important to get familiar with what works best on each platform. Although you may think you know everything there is to know about video analytics. We hope our guide can help you see things in a different light. Also, helps you to find some metrics that you didn’t even know existed!

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