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7 Benefits of Cyber Threat Intelligence Services

More security with an insider threat assessment

If you’re like most business owners, you work hard to protect your company and its information. However, even the best security practices can only get you so far. You may be vulnerable to new cyber threats that are just beginning to emerge or that haven’t been identified yet by mainstream security firms. To maximize your security and limit your exposure to new threats, consider hiring cyber threat intelligence services, also known as threat intel services or IT threat intel services.

When you have a plan

Every business needs a plan. And by plan, I mean a written outline or set of notes that explain how you’re going to achieve your goals, what steps you’ll take, and who is responsible for each step. The more detailed your plan, and more importantly—the more specific your goals, timetables, and responsibilities are, the easier it is to manage and direct yourself. Without these specifics in place early on, it can be easy to get overwhelmed or lose focus as you start to realize just how much work (and responsibility) will be on your plate. After all, execution is everything: If you don’t know exactly where you’re going or how you’ll get there by when it’s hard to feel like success is attainable.

More security with an insider threat assessment

Because threat intelligence services are provided by an external party, they can help you find threats your employees may not be able to see on their own. While that might seem like a scary idea, it’s actually better to know about threats from a neutral source so you can quickly make corrections in your security program. A good way to think about it is: better safe than sorry. If you don’t catch these issues early, they could grow into something much larger and more costly down the road. It’s always best to nip them in the bud as soon as possible. That’s why threat intelligence services can be incredibly helpful when it comes to protecting your business against insider threats.

On time intelligence to your inbox

Security tools are only as good as their human counterparts. Employees need to receive regular updates on security developments so they can make informed decisions, and products will be designed with them in mind. Hackers often time their attacks on weekends, since many employees have no access to information over a weekend, which means that next week’s security update won’t happen until Monday at best.

A cyber threat intelligence service can fix these problems by delivering periodic updates via email or other communication channels. Email is particularly effective because most people receive their emails all day long; however, if you prefer text alerts for your smartphone, then mobile push notifications are available for major platforms like Android and iPhone/iPad.

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Analysis when you need it most

Like it or not, cyberattacks are inevitable. That’s why you need an adaptive approach to risk management one that allows you to immediately identify emerging threats and act before they have time to do real damage. An advanced security operations center (SOC) provides around-the-clock threat intelligence analysis so you can make informed decisions about which threats warrant priority response.

Here are just a few ways SOCs bolster your incident response capabilities We all know that being prepared is one of the best things we can do to protect ourselves from cyberthreats. But what does preparedness look like? How much protection should we aim for? What does it cost? What’s involved in preparing for attacks against our organizations? These questions are important ones, especially as more companies turn their attention toward creating comprehensive security strategies rather than simply plugging holes after a breach occurs. With help from Gartner research analyst Ojas Rege, I wanted to share my top three tips for how companies should prepare for and respond to data breaches:

1. Invest in preventative measures like penetration testing and vulnerability assessments as well as proactive threat detection tools

2. Identify assets at risk

3. Exclusive data and protection from third parties

One of Cbssi’s cyber threat intelligence services is independent data collection and analysis. They have global data centers and use security experts to gather raw, unstructured data from around social media, financial institutions, news outlets, government agencies and other resources.

Then they apply analytics and automated methods to sort through everything and detect trends that cybersecurity professionals can use. Because they’re gathering only raw data from their own sources, you don’t have to worry about your company sharing information with third parties or competitors.

Shared knowledge with similar companies

Information sharing is an important part of staying safe from cyber threats. Using a cyber threat intelligence service can be very helpful in that regard. Through it, you’ll get regular reports on attacks, vulnerabilities and other trends, so you can stay informed and therefore better prepared for any upcoming threats.

Most shared knowledge is in written form, but some services also provide live security analysts to answer your questions as they come up. This information isn’t always available with companies that are already doing well; if you’re a business owner or IT professional at a smaller company looking to improve your safety posture, it’s worth considering whether cyber threat intelligence services might be right for you.

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Only do it once!

Most companies that use threat intelligence services will give their data to just one provider. There are a number of reasons for that, including cost, and having more data sources is only likely to confuse most people. Before you make a decision about which service you want to go with, be sure to explore your options and examine how much value you’re likely to get out of each provider.

Generally speaking, it makes sense to look at what different providers offer and then decide if they might work well together. How will they complement one another? Is there overlap in terms of coverage? What can one vendor offer that others don’t?


Today, businesses are operating in a complex cyber environment where nearly every aspect of their operation is dependent on information technology (IT). This dependency has accelerated business processes and had a wide range of positive impacts for both consumers and organizations. Unfortunately, as information technologies have advanced, so too have malicious actors seeking to do harm to others.

In fact, according to data released by Microsoft in 2018, there were 663 million cyberattacks launched against people living in over 100 countries. At an average cost per incident of $1.2 million dollars, these attacks yield billions of dollars’ worth of damage each year globally! However, organizations today are facing not only higher risk but also a greater number of threats that they need to defend against than ever before.


Secure Curve is a global leader in delivering extensive and deep solutions to address complex issues and respond to risks with an integrated approach.

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