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IOS 16 Public Beta Issues

Problems with Apple’s iOS beta update are not uncommon, particularly on older iPhones. Numerous iPhone users have reported a number of issues that have hindered their overall experience since the iOS 16 beta update. The tech giant usually releases updates to fix these issues. However, this typically occurs across multiple updates. Even though the majority of issues aren’t just caused by bugs, there are steps you can take to fix an annoying problem.

Numerous issues are highlighted in Apple’s iOS 16 beta change log, and firmware testers are reporting additional issues. We are being informed of abnormal battery drain, issues with installation and download, issues with Messages, Face ID, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, crashes, lag, and issues with both first-party and third-party applications.

While Apple will address some of the iOS 16 beta’s issues, others are likely to persist throughout the beta testing process. We recommend doing some preparatory work before installing the iOS 16 betas on your iPhone because you cannot anticipate what you will encounter. Before installing the iOS 16 beta on your iPhone, we have compiled a pre-installation checklist that will assist you in organizing everything.

How to Fix iOS 16 Beta Problems

Apple will need to fix some iOS 16 beta issues. Others might be fixable on your own.

We have compiled a list of solutions for the most prevalent iOS issues. If you have issues with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or cellular data, this is a good place to start. On the off chance that you’re managing execution issues (slack, lockups, and so forth), investigate our rundown of tips to further develop execution on your iPhone possibly. Check out our guide to repairing poor iOS battery life if you are experiencing abnormal battery drain. In a matter of minutes, it should help you improve it.

We recommend contacting Apple via its Twitter customer support account or Apple’s discussion forums if you don’t find what you’re looking for in our guides.

Common iOS 16 Public Beta Issues

IOS 16 Public Beta Issues

Numerous iPhone enthusiasts attempted to prepare for the release of iOS 16 betaon September 13. However, numerous bugs and issues continue to emerge, to no one’s surprise. As a result, we’ve compiled a list of the most recent bugs and issues for iOS 16 based on feedback from users and provided the necessary fixes simultaneously. Continue reading to learn about common iOS 16 public beta issues.

iOS 16 uses up battery quickly.

This is a common issue that some users report after each iOS generation update. Sometimes upgrading comes with a price: When a new iOS is juggling a lot of new features, it may take some time for it to run as smoothly as the old iOS. In the meantime, increased power consumption is a side effect. However, if the iOS 16 beta battery runs out of power quickly and without warning, there may be another issue.

Lock Screen

Lock Screen in iOS 16 betais upgradeable with widgets for monitoring the weather, your Activity ringer, or any other information you need easy access to. You can change its colors and fonts, for example. In addition, it will be possible to easily switch between multiple Lock Screens, just like the faces on the Apple Watch. Each Lock Screen will have its own wallpaper and widgets. See: iOS 16’s various ways to personalize your Lock Screen Additionally, we discuss how to clean your Lock Screen without missing a notification. With iOS 16.1, you can now customize the Home screen and the Lock screen separately thanks to new customization options.

iOS 16 Apps Crashing

On iOS 16, some applications, such as the Banking app, WhatsApp Business App, and TikTok, do not open or crash. These apps are important because, in most cases, they will be necessary and urgent. For instance, when you need to pay your bills or have an online meeting with customers, you don’t want your apps to crash.

The random app crashing issue is yet another issue that appears to have plagued numerous iOS 16beta users. While some applications will more often than not crash out just after the send-off, others crash while being used. Based on my experience, I believe this issue can be resolved by updating the apps alone. Apps that are out of date are known to be a problem because they frequently crash and freeze.

iOS 16’s overheating issue

When your iPhone is running iOS 16 betas, it is perfectly normal for it to get a little hot. Therefore, if the iOS 16 update causes your iPhone to overheat, the old CPU is performing numerous calculations for the new iOS. However, it’s not a good sign if you can barely feel it getting hot. If your iPhone starts to get really hot while you are using it, you need to take the problem of overheating seriously because it can permanently damage the battery.

Touch Screen Not Responding in iOS 16

After iOS 16 beta was updated, some users reported that their iPhone’s touch screen did not respond when swiping or tapping. Even worse, the device’s user interface is sluggish and almost inoperable. There are numerous potential causes of iOS 16 touchscreen issues, but you can try the following eight solutions one at a time until you find a solution. Touchscreen unresponsiveness is one of the worst issues I’ve encountered on iOS. Unfortunately, even on the most recent version of iOS, it continues to be a nightmare.

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Not Working in iOS 16

On iOS 16 beta and iPad 16, it has also been discovered that Wi-Fi connectivity does not work properly. The iPhone may disconnect from the Wi-Fi network automatically in some instances. Additionally, the iPhone occasionally refuses to join the Wi-Fi network. There is no need to lose sleep over iOS Wi-Fi issues because they have existed for years.

The iPhone either refuses to connect to a Bluetooth device or disconnects randomly for some iOS 16 users. For those who are unfamiliar, this is a problem that has plagued iOS for nearly a decade. Therefore, seeing it become a focal point in iOS 16 is not surprising.


Muhammad Rehan is a Professional Writer. He resides in Pakistan. He's a friendly professional content writer and copywriter with 2 years of experience specializing in Health, Tech, Fashion, and Travel. With expertise honed over 2 years, he crafts compelling content in Health, Tech, Fashion, and Travel domains, bringing clarity and creativity to every project. My projects reflect a passion for exploring diverse topics, from decoding the latest health trends to unraveling the intricacies of technological innovations, from delving into the world of fashion to uncovering the secrets of culinary excellence. Beyond the words, he infuses each piece with a personal touch, aiming to connect with readers on a human level, making complex concepts accessible to all.

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