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Psychiatry CRO – Contract Research Organization List

The Psychiatry CRO is one of the largest in the world and is one of the most important segments of drug development. Around 450 million people worldwide suffer from mental illness. Moreover, one out of every five adults will experience mental health issues at some point in their life.

Several leading pharmaceutical companies have engage in the development of treatments for these illnesses. Psychiatry CRO include Vial CRO, Pfizer, Lilly, and Roche. In addition, several generic companies have also start to bring generic versions of psychiatric medicines to market. All of the major CROs are actively involve in clinical trials for psychiatry-relate medicines.

Psychiatry has emerge as one of the most important segments in the drug development market in the past few decades. It is estimate that one in five adults in the world suffers from a mental health problem each year. Several leading pharmaceutical companies have been involve in the development of psychiatric medicines. The majority of Psychiatry CRO is involve in clinical trials in this field.

Psychiatry CRO - Contract Research Organization List

Vial CRO

Vial CRO is a Cincinnati, Ohio-based clinical research organization (CRO). With more than 5,000 employees in 58 countries, Vial CRO is one of the world’s largest CROs, with sales of $332 million in the year ended March 2017. The company is a leading provider of outsourced clinical development services to the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and medical device industries. Cinven, a private equity firm, owns 25% of Vial CRO.

Vial CRO has an exceptional culture, with people who value the ability to make a difference in the lives of millions of patients. Their work supports the development of effective treatments for patients with devastating diseases. Employees understand how their work fits in with the overall mission of the Psychiatry CRO. Employees are highly value and encourage to take their professional development to the next level, with the company providing training and resources to help them success.

Vial CRO is an award-winning, scientifically-drive global Psychiatry CRO. It was recently recognize by the Life Science Leader with four CRO Leadership Awards. This prestigious organization evaluate 60 contract research organizations base on 20+ performance metrics.


The CNRI for Psychiatry CRO has over 50 members of staff, including six board-certify psychiatrists, an internist, a sleep medicine clinician, and a neurosurgeon. Its staff also includes clinical study managers, research nurses, sleep technicians, transcription/data coordinators, patient recruitment specialists, and transportation specialists.

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Worldwide Psychiatry CRO services is also a great choice for research teams seeking to conduct clinical trials in psychiatry. The company’s expertise in psychiatry and neuroscience research allows it to design effective studies while balancing the priorities of all stakeholders. Also, The company’s approach fosters collaboration between researchers and clinical leaders, ensuring quality results and improved participation rates in psychiatry clinical trials.

One such example is INC Research Holdings, Inc., a global Phase I to IV Psychiatry CRO. INC Research’s Catalyst program, launch in 2016, aims to enhance patient focus, optimize study delivery, and drive greater efficiency for its customers. Also, The program initially include 32 high-performing clinical research sites. It was create in response to the accelerating volume of psychiatric studies.


Neurotrials is also Contract Research Organization (CRO) specializing in early-stage clinical trials in psychiatry and neurology. Also, The company has an ecosystem of research experts, patients, and cutting-edge technologies to streamline the process of creating and conducting clinical trials. Also, Its research team works closely with its clients and Key Opinion Leaders to develop individualize clinical trial designs.

The company’s team is make up of experience psychiatric research scientists, who have extensive experience managing clinical trials in Psychiatry CRO. Moreover, their project management team is led by experience professionals with decades of clinical research experience. The clinical research professionals at Neurotrials speak a common language with stakeholders, allowing them to effectively manage complex and challenging projects.

Psychiatry CRO – Contract Research Organization List

Jennifer Thibault

Jennifer Thibault, Psychiatric Clinical Research Associate, has extensive experience in conducting clinical trials. She holds Master’s degrees in Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience and Ethology from the Sorbonne University in Paris, France. Jennifer has worked as a research assistant in Montreal, Canada and in international Psychiatry CRO, specializing in the start-up unit.

Mayur Bhatt

Digital Ma­rketing Co­nsultants ­and Social­ Media Mar­keting Exp­ert with o­ver 3.5 ye­ars of ric­h experien­ce in vari­ous Brandi­ng, Promot­ions, busi­ness direc­tories, On­ pages and­ off page ­optimizati­on, Link b­uilding Ad­vertising,­ Research,­ Strategie­s and Mark­eting assi­gnments fo­r Social M­edia and i­nternet ma­rketing Ob­jective: T­o work in ­an organiz­ation wher­e create o­ffers to g­row and le­arn, and w­here I can­ contribut­e to the b­est of my ­abilities ­towards gr­owth of th­e organiza­tion and t­he society­ as a whol­e. Special­ties: Resu­lt and Res­earch orie­nted, Stra­tegic Oper­ations wit­h marketin­g insights­, Analytic­al skills,­ Problem s­olving att­itude, tea­m leadersh­ip & m­anagement,­ team trai­ning, mult­itasking a­nd timely ­deliveranc­e. I have ­done vario­us assignm­ents for S­EO Service­s Guru on ­social med­ia SEO pla­tforms.

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