Saffron tea is made from saffron, a spice derived from the flowers of the crocus satibus plant, commonly referred to as saffron crocus. This plant was originally cultivated in Greece and is also native to Southwest Asia.
The plant grows to a height of 20-30 cm and can bear about 4 flowers. Each flower has three bright purple stigmas that represent the distal end of the carpel. In addition, it has 5-11 white and non-photosynthetic leaves known as data.
They cover and protect the 5-11 true leaves of plants that develop under the cataphyll. The final real leaf is green, thin, straight, and like a blade. The flowers that bloom in October are colored in various shades of purple and mauve.
Saffron is a precious spice with a rich history. It is now the main ingredient in many Middle Eastern, Indian, and European dishes, giving it a deep red color and a sweet and rustic flavor. The exact origin of saffron is unknown, but its medicinal properties are well documented throughout history. Cleopatra was soaked in saffron-injected water due to its reputed beauty and aphrodisiac properties, and Greco Roma doctors prescribed it to treat many illnesses, including:
- urinary tracts.
- Road infection
- Stomach problems
- depression
Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, saffron tea may offer some important health benefits.
Due to manual work, saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. Suppliers may mix saffron with other ingredients or use inferior sources to save costs.
How Safe Should I Drink?
A review of research studies and European Commission recommendations showed that a daily dose of 1.5 grams was consumed by documented risk-free people. However, high doses of 5 grams and above can have potential toxic effects.
Several studies have shown that a daily dose of 30 mg of saffron is beneficial to your health. One teaspoon of saffron is about 700 mg. The following recipe uses 1/4 teaspoon for 4 cups of tea.
Can I drink saffron tea every day?
You can certainly consume saffron daily, as long as the toxicity level is not exceeded. Autumn crocus has been consumed by humans for centuries.
Health Benefits of Saffron Tea
Menstruation Relief
Saffron tea was discovered to help women with menstrual disorders. Some women struggle during unusual times, and saffron tea is recommended as a trigger for menstruation.
Saffron tea has been shown to be as good as over-the-counter antidepressants. It helps the nerves and is a really powerful sedative. And the good thing about saffron tea is that it happens naturally.
Heart Diseases
Saffron tea contains ingredients that lower arterial cholesterol levels. This is another important health benefit of saffron tea, as the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries increases the risk of heart disease. It efficiently dilutes the blood and thus allows its purification. Frequent use of saffron tea reduces blood disorders such as stroke and heart attack.
Stomach Pains
Saffron tea relieves abdominal pain. It has been found to reduce pain in both mild and severe cases, and regular use can prevent the occurrence of such pain. It can also be used to induce vomiting, helping to relieve chest tightness. Therefore, it acts as an expectorant to help calm the stomach, chest, and throat. This is especially great for kids as it keeps them healthy.
High Blood Pressure
Saffron tea has been found to lower blood pressure. Crocetin is actually a compound that acts on blood pressure and lowers blood pressure, and saffron leaves contain this compound as a component. Frequent drinking of saffron tea can help you avoid the problem of high blood pressure. https://articleft.com/