10 Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Weight Gain

There are many reasons why you might be considering home remedies for weight gain, whether you’re already overweight or simply want to put on some extra pounds of muscle to be healthier and more fit. Whatever your reason, it’s very important to choose the right remedies that work well with your body so you can safely and naturally put on the weight you want without any side effects. Here are 10 home remedies that will help you gain weight as long as you choose them correctly and stick with them over time.
1) Drinking Lemon Water
Iced lemon water is a delicious, refreshing drink that can help you stay hydrated and boost your energy levels. It also works wonders for weight gain, thanks to its high vitamin C content. Research shows that eating more foods high in vitamin C (like lemons) can give you an energy boost and slow down weight loss—especially when paired with exercise. People who took vitamin C supplements also had lower metabolisms than those who didn’t, so add some lemon slices to your water to burn more calories throughout your day. Add 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice to 8 ounces of lukewarm water—and sip it all day long!
2) Drinking Ginger Tea
Ginger helps improve digestion and may help you feel fuller, allowing you to eat less. It is a good idea to drink a glass of ginger tea at least 15 minutes before mealtime. If you’re looking to gain weight, it’s important that you keep your caloric intake at more than 2,000 calories per day. This can be easily achieved by consuming foods such as whole grains and nuts during meals. Munching on these between meals is also a good idea, as they can increase satiety levels (i.e., feeling full) and aid in weight gain efforts. Drinking ginger tea is just one way to do so—and it has other health benefits too!
3) Drinking Rosemary Tea
Rosemary is one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants, which means it can help you fight inflammation in your body. A few studies have shown that drinking rosemary tea regularly can increase height and improve memory. To make your own rosemary tea, bring 1/2 cup of water to a boil, then add 4 tsp dried rosemary (or two tbsp fresh). To help with flavor, you can also add honey or fresh lemon juice to taste. Be sure to drink about 2 cups of rosemary tea daily. If you don’t like how it tastes on its own, try making a batch of yummy hot chocolate by mixing 2 tbsp cocoa powder with 1/2 cup of milk and stir in 1 tsp dried rosemary. Pour into mugs and enjoy!
4) Eating Spinach Salad
The spinach you put on your salad can actually help increase your height. This is because spinach has a large amount of calcium and iron. You can also get these essential nutrients by eating broccoli, nuts, dates, whole grains and dairy products. If you’re worried about how to increase height at an early age, eat foods rich in calcium; they’ll help you grow taller and stronger.
5) Adding Cream to your Coffee
Adding cream to your coffee is an easy way to sneak more calories into your daily diet. Not only does cream add additional flavor, but it’s also high in fat and calories. For example, one tablespoon of heavy cream has about 17 grams of fat, compared to 8 grams for a similar serving of half-and-half. If you’re trying to gain weight, adding cream can be a great way to make sure you reach your goal. Plus, it’s likely that you’ll enjoy drinking heavier beverages more than you would lighter ones; so even if taste isn’t a reason why you’re reaching for more cream and sugar in your coffee, perhaps increasing your calorie intake can be seen as permission to indulge in a second or third cup per day!
6) Adding Carrots to your Meals
Due to their high content of beta-carotene, carrots are a natural home remedy for weight gain. Keep them available at all times in your fridge and add them to your diet frequently. As with most remedies, it’s important that you build up tolerance—too much at once may cause some stomach upset. A good rule of thumb is to start out with half a carrot per meal and slowly increase from there; most people reach optimal results after about two weeks. By that time, you should be adding one whole carrot every day. In addition to promoting weight gain, carrots contain several vitamins and minerals that promote overall health as well as cleanse and detoxify your system.
7) Eating More Whole Grains
Whole grains are often recommended as a good way to add bulk and fuel to your diet. You may be surprised to learn that in addition to helping with weight gain, whole grains can have some positive effects on heart health as well. A major study published in JAMA, The Journal of The American Medical Association found that people who ate at least three servings of whole grains per day were significantly less likely to die of any cause than those who didn’t consume them. Another study showed that people who ate large amounts of whole grains also had lower body mass indexes (BMIs) than those who didn’t. How do you start eating more whole grains?
8) Cooking with Ghee
Ghee is one of several types of edible clarified butter that’s used in ayurvedic cooking. Known as the elixir of life, ghee contains over 50 percent monounsaturated fat, which can help balance your body’s pH and increase your metabolism. According to an ancient ayurvedic text called Susruta Samhita, Owing to its heating power, ghee increases Vata and Pitta Dosha. Ghee also contains high levels of healthy saturated fats, such as stearic acid. Stearic acid aids digestion and helps maintain a healthy immune system. It may also reduce cholesterol levels.
9) Taking Pea Protein Powder Supplements
For weight gain, you may want to consider taking a protein supplement made from peas. Peas are high in protein and there are multiple studies showing that protein can increase metabolism and lead to weight loss. Peas also have a healthy amount of fiber, which will help keep you feeling full between meals. In fact, research has shown that peas can reduce hunger pangs by increasing satiety. To add even more plant-based goodness to your diet, try sprinkling them into your morning cereal or adding them to soups and stews at dinner time. And if you’re worried about bloating or flatulence because of legumes (you know who you are), simply blend these proteins into your smoothie so they won’t bother your tummy!