What to order: hosting or virtual server?

Sometimes the question arises, what to choose for hosting sites: hosting or a virtual server? The fact is that both of these services: web hosting, reseller hosting, and a virtual (dedicated) server can be used to host websites. But at the same time there are differences, they lie primarily in the price and complexity of the settings.
And sometimes it happens that it is more profitable to use shared hosting, and sometimes your projects can only be implemented on your own server.
In this article, we will describe the pros and cons of hosting and a virtual server. And also consider in detail the cases when you need to order hosting, and when the server.
What to choose: hosting or virtual server?
First, let’s understand how hosting differs from a virtual server. Hosting is a server on which a number of services are already installed (web server, mail server, FTP, and so on). Hosting is ideal for hosting and running websites. Most of the settings have already been made; you just fill in the sites and they start working.
The server is your personal server, which can be configured in any way for any task. Including the placement of sites. In other words, you can independently install and configure a web server for hosting.
Pros and cons of hosting websites on shared hosting here
- Everything is already set up, you just host sites and they work
- Convenient hosting panel. Nothing extra in the settings
- Low price compared to VDS
- You can take hosting for free for a test period, install CMS in a few minutes and the site will already be working.
- Dependence on neighbors, since resources are shared
- Shared IP-address (it is possible to purchase an individual one)
So, we can conclude that the advantages of hosting are its simplicity in settings. Among the weaknesses are dependence on neighbors and limited resources. If you are planning to host simple small websites, hosting is the best option.
If you are planning to host highly loaded projects: large stores or sites where page loading speed is critical, then you should look towards buying a virtual server.
Pros and cons of hosting on a virtual VPS server
- Your projects are on fully dedicated resources. This guarantees always a high speed of the sites.
- Each server comes with a dedicated IP address. It belongs only to you and is guaranteed not to be on any lists.
- You can customize the server however you like. Open and close ports, set policies, and so on.
- The server needs to be configured. This question is almost completely closed by renting the ISPManager panel, which makes it possible to configure the server even for a beginner. In fact, after installing this panel, you get a configured web server as on a hosting.
- The price is slightly higher than for the hosting service.
- Some more knowledge required (even with ISPManager control panel)
To sum up
What can be the conclusion? It is obvious that if your sites are not dependent on node loading by neighbors and the purity of common IP addresses (landing pages, simple, not heavy sites), or you are just starting site building, then you should take hosting.
Source: hostens.com