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What is Water-Soluble CBD? A Complete Guide

CBD is extremely versatile and is available in a variety of types. Despite their advantages and disadvantages, most CBD products only supply only a small amount of active ingredients to the bloodstream. Many brands are now asserting that their water-soluble CBD could be the solution to this issue. Because, it can boost the amount of CBD that is available within your body by as much as ten times. Since it’s a new concept, there’s not much evidence to support the assertions. 

What is Water-soluble CBD?

Water-soluble CBD is a new method for mixing CBD extract with water. Cannabinoids are fat-soluble by nature and, therefore, they dissolve easily into fatty substances, like oils, but aren’t able to mix with water.

CBD oil is therefore the most common CBD product.  It takes longer for CBD created from oil to travel through your digestive tract and bloodstream because fats are broken down by enzymes.

The current CBD companies have realized that when they expose CBD to a specific kind of sound, it could break the CBD into tiny micro-sized nanoparticles. It is also possible to achieve the same result by emulsifying substances under high pressure or by encapsulating CBD in other micron-sized materials.

When the CBD is broken down into tiny fragments, water molecules are inserted between them, and the liquid becomes water-based.

What is the process?

If you take a swallow of CBD oil, it needs to be broken into smaller parts for it to be utilized to nourish your body. The mechanisms that perform the breakdown are known as the first-pass effect. They are responsible for the insufficient bioavailability of the ingestion of CBD oil.

The first stage of the effect happens in two phases; the first one is inside your gut and the second in your liver.

In first stage  pancreatic and bile juices are absorbed into the pancreas and gall bladder. They are made up of enzymes that break down the CBD and fat-soluble fats into smaller pieces so that they can pass through your gut’s wall and into your blood. The second phase is when your blood carries the small fragments of CBD through your liver, where it breaks them up further. 

Water-soluble CBD helps to block the beginning step of the initial impact. Instead of being broken down by your gut, it can pass directly into the bloodstream. Once it’s in your bloodstream, it must pass through the liver before it’s broken down like other particles you ingest.

The liver breaks the two CBD oil and water-soluble CBD. However, since water-soluble CBD products fail to carry out the initial “gut” stage of the first passing effect, CBD oil’s active ingredients will probably stay in place once passed by the liver.

Does water-soluble CBD absorb better under your tongue?

The primary enzyme responsible for the breakdown of fats in the first passing effect is lipase. It is located in your stomach, the gall bladder, and your mouth. If you put CBD oil on your tongue and it is lingual, the presence of lipase breaks it down so that it can enter the sublingual blood vessels.

When you put water-soluble CBD on your tongue, it’s already in a state to traverse the membrane and enter your blood. Therefore, as in your stomach, it doesn’t require breaking down via lipase. The advantage of letting water-soluble CBD absorb through your tongue is that it doesn’t require passing through your liver, which may result in a greater amount of cannabinoids circulating to the cells. 

Does water-soluble CBD mean that it is more effective in your bloodstream?

The claim of a higher bioavailability is based on a Hebrew University of Jerusalem study. They studied the absorption rate of THC and CBD found in nano-spheres. Rats were used in the study and molecules were designed into spheres to contain the cannabinoids, which were then allowed to dissolve in water.

The results revealed an astonishing growth of 600% of the CBD available to use in cells. It demonstrates the tremendous potential of WSL CBD; however, it’s not an assurance that all WSL CBD products will perform the identical. There are numerous types of nano and water-soluble CBD; each is manufactured differently and has different effects. Buy the best Water Soluble CBD online from Milk of the Gods official Store.

The study also revealed that the nano-spheres were successful by keeping the active ingredient in a capsule until it had gone through into the intestinal wall. They then begin to break into pieces to release their contents.It is likely that cannabis will have a distinctly different effect if it is prematurely and too late removed from its nano-sphere.

Thus, WSL products can be a viable way to enhance the absorption rate of cannabinoids. Research is still needed to clarify the mechanisms involved. CBD’s effectiveness largely depends on the way it becomes water-soluble and how fast it turns back into fat-soluble form.

What are the benefits of water-soluble CBD?

Water solubility offers a CBD product that comes with many benefits. This can be beneficial to products made of water so that brands can mix it into food and drinks without having the oil.

You can also use it in pumps and sprays without producing oily drops. Water-soluble CBD is much more convenient to consume.


    • It quickly absorbs into the bloodstream of your body.
    • A higher amount of CBD will probably be absorbed into your bloodstream.
    • It is possible to add it to beverages and food items containing water.
    • Water-soluble flavors can be added much more quickly
    • It is possible to use it in a spray bottle or pump bottle more efficiently
    • It gives you more options to consume it


    • After CBD is present in your bloodstream, it’s unclear what degree the effect is greater and if this is an issue for everyone.
    • Nano and water-soluble CBD formulations are not all the same. Certain CBD preparations might be more effective than others.


Water-soluble CBD is an exciting leap into the future of cannabinoids and similar substances. Certain products utilize this technology to improve their effectiveness and user-friendliness. But, it’s unclear what the most efficient methods to produce these products are and exactly how nanoparticles behave after passing into the intestinal wall. Although water-soluble CBD has great benefits, not all WSL or Nano CBDs are the same. You should try the Nano CBD WSL from Milk of the Gods from their Plant-Based CBD store Online.


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