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What Is Couples Mediation? A Brief Overview

Indeed, relationships can be difficult. When two people who have spent their lives apart with different beliefs try to build one together, they’ll have to communicate, cooperate, and negotiate that journey. And in that process, they’re bound to experience disagreements and conflicts.

While similarities can bring two people together, there can be many other things they don’t agree on. This can include finances, tidiness, household chores, and lack of intimacy. These are a few reasons couples get into arguments, which can become bigger problems before things fall apart.

When this happens, couples can either decide their relationship isn’t working and separate or try and stay together and work through their conflict.

This is where couples mediation comes in.

Couples mediation is a method for couples experiencing marital problems or difficulties but prefers to stay together to resolve their differences. It is a practical approach to conflict resolution in which the couple identifies, brainstorms negotiates, and works out a solution to their conflict. With almost 41% of marriages in the US ending in divorce, seeing a couple’s mediator can greatly save you time and money while allowing you to take precautions before things get complicated.

How Does Couple Mediation Work?

A mediator helps couples address issues in their marital life. Mediation doesn’t delve deeply into the past but focuses on current disputes. The mediator helps them develop a plan of action to address the issues leading to conflict.

The mediator’s role is to help each partner identify their concerns and express them to their partner in a way they can understand. This allows them to solve the problem(s) and start thinking about solutions.

All in all, couple mediation aims to preserve the marriage while also improving the partners’ lives.

Couple Mediation Vs. Therapy: How Do They Differ?

Couples in conflict can set about resolving their conflict through several intervention strategies. Chief among them are therapy and mediation. The differences may seem negligible and insignificant to the uninitiated, but they are very different. Let’s see how.

Couples therapy focuses on the relationships and identifying the cause of the dispute. On the other hand, mediation is about identifying a problem, formulating solutions, and finally, resolving the issue.

Do You Need Couples Mediation?

Has your relationship been unsatisfying for some time? You’ve been considering getting assistance, but how do you know when’s the right time. Here are a few warning signs you might need to consider getting a couple of mediation.

  • You Don’t Communicate

Do you wish to spend more time at work, with friends, or doing hobbies than spending time with your partner? If so, then mediation may be a good choice to help identify new methods to facilitate communication with each other.

  • Constant Arguments

Repeatedly arguing on the same issues indicates underlying communication issues that need surfacing. Marriage counseling can help you figure out why there’s so much strife between you and your spouse.

  • You’re Thinking About Or Engaging In An Affair

Thinking about having an affair (or having one) indicates that you’re no longer interested in your current relationship. It’s a significant sign that your relationship is on the skids and may even be past the point of no return.


Every couple experiences conflicts and disagreements. It’s part of every relationship. However, these minor problems can occasionally become more serious and damage a relationship if ignored. And that’s where a mediator can assist couples in conflict management and points you toward a solution that meets the expectations of both sides.

Are you considering getting mediation for yourself or a loved one? Then you might want to check out platforms like O’Keeffe FMC to help foster better communication among individuals.

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