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Things You Need to Know About Fertility Treatments Between Age 35 to 40

Things You Need to Know About Fertility Treatments Between Age 35 to 40

Hey, your age is between 35 to 40? Are you looking for fertility treatments? Have you done everything to start a family but you failed all time? Do not be worried, read the article to the end to know about certain things that matter at the beginning of a new family. It is not sure that only women are responsible for getting difficulties in pregnancy but males can also be responsible for this. In females, problems can be in their ovaries but in males, his sperm count can be responsible. So, in the case of males, there are treatments for low sperm count.

Is it possible to Get Pregnant After 35?

This is the most common question people think about. But many of them do not know some reasons and things that you can face while getting pregnant after 35. It can be more difficult to get pregnant at the age of 35 to 40. In women, the number and quality of eggs dwindle as ovaries get older. This is the biological reason that creates the problem of getting pregnant after 35.

According to the research of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), between the age of 20 and 30, 1 in 4 women can get pregnant in each menstrual cycle. In the case of males, they can produce almost 100 million sperm throughout their life

According to the data which was calculated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the age between 35 to 39 the birth rate was 52.6 per 1000 women and that of age between 40 to 44 it was 11.8 births per 1000 women.

Age of the partner matter or not?

According to research it was found that it also matters in the case of males but as like female fertility. Male fertility also declines but lately compared to females.

According to the study it was found that miscarriage rates increase with age for both female and male partners. There it was also concluded that miscarriage was increasing rapidly for women after getting 30 years old. So, we can say that age of both males and females matter in case of pregnancy.

Don’t delay to Ask for Help

If you are not getting pregnant after trying again and again then you should not delay a second to ask for help. Time plays a great role because as you become older it lowers your monthly fertility odds. So, do not delay if you are trying to get pregnant for 6 months. If you are also one of them then consult with your doctor immediately.

Fertility Treatment 

Once you get to know that you are having fertility problems then you should look for fertility treatment immediately. But you should also know that if you are between 35 to 40 then there is less chance of successful fertility treatment. In a study, it was observed that there is a 5 % chance of getting pregnant after 40 years through IVF. So, you should follow a few tests to get clear about your fertility. Males should go for a sperm motility test.

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