How can you protect Gmail Mailbox from Cyber attacks?

Do you use Gmail and would like to protect Gmail your mailbox against cyber attacks? You’re in the right spot. Check out the entire article and discover the various ways to safeguard the information in your mailbox. Before we go on to the next step, let’s learn about Gmail.
What is Gmail and Its Uses?
Email is a widely used medium for communication in the modern world. Numerous email service providers provide numerous email services such as sending and receiving messages, storing calendar data contacts, journals, task events, and many other email-related services.
Gmail is among the many email services offered by Google that are used extensively all over the world. One of the most significant features is that it’s a free service, which means that users can use Gmail using any browser and on any device. It also allows the use of email clients via IMAP and POP protocols. POP as well as the IMAP protocol.
Because Gmail mailbox contains important data about the users, it’s essential to safeguard our email accounts. So, the question has been asked as to why we should protect your Gmail mailbox from hacker attacks?
It is crucial to have our Google account secured
in the past few years, the manner of working, receiving correspondence, and other information has changed drastically. It is now more and more common to work on the cloud. So sharing an Excel spreadsheet with colleagues is becoming more frequent. It is also common to share folders as well as documents that are private to the company. One safety lapse by a worker could put the entire business at risk, which is the case with “big ones”, where the weakest link was that employee.
Additionally, it is not all that has to be related to work. It can also impact our personal and private lives. Since the advent of the digital age, one of the most significant changes that have happened is that a substantial portion of correspondence written on paper is gone.
Not to mention There are also private messages with friends and family members that we’d like to secure as well. With the current situation that we are seeing, we want to safeguard you and your Google account against being compromised as the majority of people use the popular Gmail service. When we speak of Google accounts, it is important to use it in the plural to provide reasons. We’re not just referring to the private account but to the work account. Both accounts must be properly secured.
Cybercriminals understand the importance that having access to your account could bring. To protect ourselves, we should back up Gmail email to computers and have a secure password, or establish two-step authentication.
How Do I Protect My Gmail Mailbox from Cyber Attack?
There are two ways described in this article that secure your mailbox account from cyber-attacks.
#1. Using Strong Password
#2. Using 2 Way Verification
Let’s look at both approaches in a more detailed manner. Let’s start by discussing the first method.
Method 1. 1. The initial line of defense is to use a strong password.
The first step to protecting ourselves from cybercriminals is using a solid security password. When hackers are able to take over the security of a Google account, it’s typically because the password isn’t very safe or was stolen from a site that also uses identical passwords. Therefore, it is essential to make a secure password to protect Google’s Gmail mailbox from cyberattacks. Ovik Mkrtchyan
Another aspect we must be aware of is that we should update our passwords frequently. For instance, if you think your password may have been stolen, or if you were forced to access it via the internet it is the perfect moment to change your password.
When creating a new password we should also adhere to some guidelines:
Use a different password for all your accounts.
Do not use the birth date or any other event that is easy to track.
Do not put it on a post-it that is attached to an electronic monitor
Do not write it down on the paper we carry around on our person
Do not save it into an encrypted file on our desktop PC.
The first thing that we need to do is log in to your Google Account. If you aren’t been logged in, you’ll be required to enter your password. After that, we’ll be in the Security section. It will ask us to be asked to ” Sign in to Google, Password” and it will ask us to enter the password again. Then, a screen asking us to change the password appears. Ovik Mkrtchyan
In closing this section we should note that Google lets us examine all passwords which we’ve been able to synchronize with Google Chrome. If you visit the link above to check your passwords, it will inform us if there’s been any leak or the extent to which they were exposed. Additionally, it will let us know that our passwords are not secured and if they need to be changed.
Method 2. How Google’s 2-Step Verification Works
Two-step verification protects us from malicious users, even when they know our password. It’s about putting in an extra layer of security on the security of your Google account to protect against hacking. If someone steals your password, they may prevent you from accessing your account. Additionally, it can erase all your information or impersonate us and make use of your account to reset passwords for any other accounts we use.
If we do activate it, the procedure to log in to our account will be a bit different. For starters, each time we sign into Google it is necessary to input our password. In this way, the procedure doesn’t change much. The only one additional step is added.
The other thing that could take place is that a number is sent to our mobile phone via either a text message, voice call, or mobile app. This way, if anyone attempts to log into our account, because they don’t have the information, they will not be capable of accessing it.
How do you enable Google Two-Step authentication?
Once we have a better understanding of the benefits of Google’s two-step verification for us, we’ll show how to enable it. The first step is to create an extremely secure password to protect your Gmail mailbox from cyber-attacks.
Two-step verification is also referred to as two-factor authentication. It adds an additional layer of protection for our account in case our password gets stolen. First, we need to do is sign in to the password for our Google Account by entering our password even if we have not yet logged in. After that, we need to go to the Security section. sign in to Google and then click verification in two easy steps.
Steps To Activate 2 Step Verification
We will see a screen similar to this:
What we need to be done is to press the Start button and we’ll be able to move to the next page.
- 2. In the beginning we’ll select the device that controls both steps of verification. As a default, it will give you one of your primary phones. In this instance, Google has detected the correct phone due because I’ve got my cell phone number associated with the account. After that, select “Show more options”:
- 3. This section offers the option for using a secure code or text message, as well as a voice call. In this scenario, I suggest you not do anything and when you do not intend to make use of it, it’s recommended not to access this area. We are then going to hit ” Try Now ” to proceed to our next stage.
- 4. At that moment, Google is sending a message to our phone. When you receive that notification, open your phone and then unlock it after receiving an alert. After that, you must select “Yes” to the request.
- 5. If the request is accepted by our mobile Once the request is accepted, we can take the next steps. To get these codes I opted for”Text message” as the “Text message” option. I then received an SMS from my smartphone and then entered the codes. If I enter them correctly the final screen will show up.
- In order to complete the verification process in two steps with Google, you only need to click”Activate”. Now we will be protected by an additional layer of security that safeguards your Google account.
Here’s the complete guide on how to protect your Gmail email address from cyber attacks. In this blog post, we will discuss two ways to protect your account from being hacked. Choose the email backup wizard to create archives of the entirety of your Gmail account. Your email messages will be saved as they were originally formatted and without loss of data.