Teeth Root Canal Treatment: Facts and Myths

A visit to the dental office is not always something you look forward to. Many people have been diagnosed with extreme anxiety at the start of such a visit. Whether the problem is teeth canal treatment or not, you must steel yourself to avoid future headaches due to deteriorating dental and oral health. Anxiety happens to all of us, and a recent root canal prompted me to ask several questions about the procedure, common practices, implications, facts, and myths.
What is a root canal?
The pulp in the root canals can become infected due to severe tooth decay. In fact, the pulp is what keeps the tooth alive, since it is made up of nerves and blood vessels. When infection is evident, the recommended teeth canal treatment is endodontics, commonly known as a root canal. It is to remove the pulp and replace it with a substance that will prevent future reinfections. Due to advanced technology in dental equipment and practices, the procedure will not darken the teeth as in the past.
Therefore, the procedure will preserve the tooth for cosmetic reasons. The alternative is to extract the tooth, but this should only be considered if there is no other option.
The benefits of the procedure include not removing the tooth and preventing further infections and problems with the tooth.
However, after everything is done, a dentist will recommend crowning the tooth to make it stronger. A tooth without a root canal will be weaker than a healthy tooth, so crowns are good options.
There are several myths about root canals that need to be dispelled in society as follows;
• Teeth canal treatment is painful. This common myth has its roots in ancient times where the procedure was performed using non-advanced methods, unlike today. This has been emphasized by the American Association of Endodontists. The administration of general anesthesia will numb the area and the procedure will be painless; it was for me.
• Another common myth is that all root canals must be done in multiple appointments. This is not the case because the procedure can be completed in one or two appointments. However, there are several factors that determine the number of citations, including;
a) Referral required
b) Resistant root canal
c) Extension of the infection
Let your dentist recommend the number of appointments after considering your case.
•Another common myth is that teeth canal treatment can cause diseases such as arthritis, heart, and kidney disease. Research has shown that this is NOT the case. This myth originated from research conducted nearly 100 years ago by Dr. Price Weston. In his research from 1910 to 1930, Dr. Price stated that disease can arise from the procedure due to infections. His claims have been refuted by modern research as there is no medical evidence to prove the same.
• Another common myth is that a tooth has to hurt to qualify for root canal treatment. Dentists may discover teeth that are dead and yet recommend treatment without pain. Therefore, the doctor recommends an examination to check the condition of the tooth. Tests used to check for dead teeth include;
a) Percussion test
b) Using a pulp vitality machine
c) Percussion tests
• Finally, some people believe that the benefits of teeth canal treatment are not permanent. This is due to the constant breaking of the teeth after the treatment. According to experienced dental experts, this is not the failure of the treatment, but the failure of the restoration or construction of the tooth. Fracture is more common in people who do not receive crowns. Therefore, the benefits can last for a long time.