It is always believed that the mother is the only one responsible for miscarriage problems related to pregnancy. But in reality, male members can also be the cause of miscarriages. The quality of the sperm matters. Healthy sperm is in whitish grey color which is a fluid that comes out of the penis when a male ejaculates. It is a fact that a mother carries the whole pregnancy into their body. All the development or changes is faced by her but if any miscarriages or issue occurs, it can be due to the unhealthy sperm as well. A normal sperm morphology analysis says that the sperm must have an oval head that enters the egg of a woman followed by a long tail which helps the sperm to float easily.
Some factors affect a normal sperm such as lifestyle, food intake, and many more. Sometimes we see that even after sexual intercourse, a woman gets pregnant but while nine months, the pregnancy doesn’t reach its outcome. There happens a miscarriage. And, this may happen due to the sperm that fertilizes that egg.
Poor Morphology and Infertility
Semen analysis is a procedure that analyses whether the sperm is morphologically weak or strong. Poor morphology means the shape of the sperm. A normal shape of sperm has a head that enters an egg and a long tail that helps the sperm to float easily. The morphology of sperm is examined under the microscope and analyzed the number of well-formed sperm is. No one is perfect and so goes sperm too. Not a single man is there who produces normal sperm. There is always a mixture of normal as well as abnormal sperm.
Sometimes, even if the sperm is unable to fertilize an egg, then the couple goes for in vitro fertilization i.e. IVF to attempt pregnancy. IVF works even if you have abnormal sperm but only if the directions given by the doctor are followed sincerely.
Issue Related to Chromosome
The birth of a baby is fully dependent on the chromosome. A body has 46 chromosomes in total. In all of that twenty-two pairs of chromosomes are known as autosomes which are common in males and females and the twenty-third pair is the sex chromosomes which differentiate between males and females. If the chromosomes don’t work well, the baby tends to become abnormal. And, sometimes it causes miscarriages also as the chromosomes of the baby are imbalanced.
Issue-Related Sperm DNA Fragmentation (SDF)
In some sperm, SDF occurs which means fragments in the sperm DNA. This is also one of the causes, why, of miscarriage happen due to abnormality in sperm. SDF happens due to many reasons. Outer exposure, pollution, diseases, and many more. The sperm cell is damaged which results in infertility problems. This probably affects the structure of DNA which again results in miscarriages.
Issue Related to Lifestyle
This is always a habit of people taking care of pregnant women. Her choices of foods and things are stopped because they might affect a baby’s development. This might be true to some extent. But, there is also a responsibility for men to be equally healthy as women. A habit of smoking, alcohol, and drugs is never appreciated. This can be a cause of unhealthy sperm. And when these unhealthy sperm will fertilize an egg, there might occur a miscarriage.
Test of a Sperm
If a couple is having miscarriages every time they try to have a baby, there might be a severe problem. In this situation along with the mother’s test, the father must go through a sperm analysis test. The quality of the sperm gets clear. The test says all about the ability of the sperm to fertilize an egg.
Now, we know know that there are chances of poor morphology for miscarriages. There are not only women who are responsible for problems in pregnancy and miscarriages but also men. The quality of sperm also matters. It is also not always necessary that a proper lifestyle or medication will improve the quality of the sperm but will become healthy to an extent. It is always suggested to consult a doctor in a Male fertility clinic so that they can give you the best advice of all.