5 sureshot ways to earn online income through blogging
Learn how to generate a decent income from you blog

Every day numerous blogs are created but only a selected few of them gain the average success and fewer still turn into a big success. Most of the other blogs fail to gain any recognition or revenue. The bloggers have to discontinue those blogs as they generate no income and don’t offer any recognition either. However, by adopting some of the actionable tips it can be easier for you to turn your blog into an online income generator. We are sharing some actionable tips to achieve this:
Choose right Ad Networks
A widely popular and relatively practical way to earn online income by blogging is through Ad networks. That said not all ad networks are genuinely or beneficial. So you need to wisely showcase the right ad networks. The two most respected genuine ad networks are Google Ad Sense and Media.net.
The best thing about these ad networks is the high quality and contextuality of the ad which doesn’t interfere with user experience or disturb the reading flow. Contextuality and relevance also ensure a higher click rate that directly and positively impacts your ad income. By joining such ad programs you can enjoy a recurring online income from your blog.
Be an Affiliate Marketer
One limitation with ad sense or similar programs is the low payout rate per click which means you need to build hefty traffic to earn a good regular income. Affiliate programs; however, don’t have such limitations as is the commission-based model. On each online sale made through your affiliate link, you get paid a certain commission. In this model, you join an affiliate program and get a unique affiliate link. Create relevant material where you can naturally insert the link.
Some of the best affiliate programs are:
- ShareASale
- Amazon Affiliate program
- ImpactRadius
- Awin
- Commission Junction
- PartnerStack
Publish and sell your EBooks
If you want to take complete control over the volume, payout, and frequency of your online income then it would be great to sell eBooks online. Creating an eBook is not very different from creating a blog post the only difference is that you need deeper research and create an entire book instead of a single post. Many bloggers have turned in eBook writing as their passive income source.
One thing to remember here is that you need to gain deeper expertise in your niche and offer well-structured material shedding light on all the vital aspects of the topic without creating any confusion or ambiguity. Another thing is to avoid unnecessary details and offer a straightforward write-up with clear deliverables. Offering specific benefits to the readers is a great way to make your eBook saleable.
Start your own Online courses
If you hold keen expertise on any topic and have good skills in imparting the knowledge to others then you may also run online courses. Many bloggers are earning a huge income by selling online courses. One benefit of this income is that you have a wider freedom to choose the amount and regularity of the income.
For instance, you can charge a one-time fee for the entire course or offer an option to pay in installments. You can also determine the payment frequency like monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually.
Use direct advertisements for better income
Ad sense offers you a regular income opportunity but you get paid only a small commission. A better and more rewarding option could be direct advertisements. In his model, you directly deal with the clients, decide your prices, and can keep the entire advertisement revenue without sharing with anyone.
For that, you need to create a detailed media kit telling the prospects about various benefits they get by advertising on your platform. WordPress plugins like WPAdvancedAds can be used to manage the ads.
Blogs can change lives and offer your a lifestyle income. To turn your blog into an income generation platform, you need to work on some of the key aspects. While it is quite complicated to work on multiple fronts, you would find things easier and quicker when working on specific facets of your blog. In this post, we mentioned some of the actionable tips for earning a good online income from your blog.